First and Foremost

There is every reason for the University of Hong Kong to be proud of a record of excellence and outstanding contribution to Hong Kong, China and the global community in the past hundred years of its history. Yet, with global changes and developments happening more rapidly than ever in the information-rich 21st century, there is no room for complacency, particularly so for a knowledge institution with an international reputation as one of the top universities in the region and the world. In seeking to further its excellence and reach new heights, the University must re-examine its role from time to time, and communicate to all its stakeholders the latest strategic directions supporting its development.
The previous Strategic Development document helped the Council steer the progress of the University during the period 2003-2009, and provided clear directions for the University family to move ahead with a strong focus. The present document builds on the firm foundation established and provides an updated strategic framework to guide the University in the next five years of development. My best wishes to the University for another period of advancement and success, which I am sure can be achieved with the continuing outstanding and collaborative efforts of all University members.
Dr Victor K K Fung
Chairman of Council
Continuing to Lead and Contribute

I am delighted to serve my alma mater in my new capacity as the Chairman of the University Council, having had a long and deep association with the University as a student, a teacher, a Council member and a variety of other identities. I have witnessed continuously the remarkable developments of this University at close range since my student days, and am most heartened by the University’s achievements and the recognition it has received in the world arena in recent years.
This is a dynamic university which is constantly moving with the times in its pursuit of excellence, not only in academic and research endeavours but also in services and contributions to the local, regional and international communities. The University has already produced generations of leaders and will continue to nurture leaders and provide leadership in different walks of life. This is what society expects of us as a premier university in Hong Kong and the region.
The vision statement and the strategic themes highlighted for 2009-2014 are supported by the Council, and they are eminently appropriate for this University as it moves into its second century. There will be challenges ahead, but the University is fully prepared to face those challenges. The Council wishes the University every success in reaching its strategic goals and continuing to make distinguished and useful contributions to the world at large.
Dr the Honourable Leong Che Hung
Chairman of Council
(from November 2009)
Building on a Century of Excellence

Profound changes characterize the environment surrounding higher education today. The expansion of new knowledge, establishment of new scientific disciplines and increasing globalization all require a redefinition of the role universities will play in the modern world. As the 21st Century unfolds, The University of Hong Kong (HKU) will face numerous challenges in strengthening its leadership role in higher education and continuing to fulfill its vision and mission. At the same time there are unprecedented opportunities for success.
The forces of globalization have a strong and far-reaching impact on how we should interpret the University’s mission and role. HKU is already an international university in terms of staff profile, alumni distribution, research expertise, programme focus, and global outlook. We shall continue to work on enhancing our vibrant collaborations regionally and internationally, and proactively recruit outstanding students and staff including those from outside Hong Kong. To be a truly international institution, we must continue to reach out and engage the world.
The University will celebrate its centenary in 2011. As we enter our second century with a solid reputation, we aspire to reach greater heights of academic excellence and international renown as one of the world’s leading institutions of higher learning. We wish to see our footprint and impact continue to expand beyond our community, to China, Asia and the rest of the world. With a shared sense of strategic direction and building on a century of excellence, we reaffirm our commitment to outstanding scholarship and service, to the education of leaders and the generation of new knowledge. We are well-equipped to meet the challenges of the second century with bold thinking and creative vision.
Professor Lap-Chee Tsui
OC, OOnt, DCL, DSc, LLD, PhD, JP
Vice-Chancellor and President