To achieve the academic, research and knowledge exchange goals we have identified, it is critical that our administrative and support activities are carried out with strategic vision, efficiency, effectiveness and fiscal responsibility, guided by principles of sustainability. These values serve our institutional purpose and underpin our academic excellence and research infrastructure.
We believe it is important that the University develop and strengthen the enabling platform for achieving our strategic goals in 2009-2014 in four major aspects:
Building and enhancing the University’s financial capacities, specifically
- to diversify and expand our funding sources to support delivery of our teaching and learning, research and knowledge exchange activities
- to build up our endowments to support, for example, endowed professorships, scholarships, infrastructure and information technology development
- to review the effectiveness of existing scholarship and financial support schemes and enhance scholarship support for students from various backgrounds, including support for non-local students
Creating an environment supportive of our academic and research missions, specifically
- to inculcate the philosophy and practice of sustainability throughout our academic, financial and physical developments
- to complete the construction of the Centennial Campus and other planned capital projects
- to enhance our IT learning infrastructure in order to support a vibrant virtual learning environment
- to build additional staff quarters to meet the needs arising from an anticipated staff increase
- to increase the provision of student accommodation through building additional student residences which should be designed to provide an intellectually vibrant living-learning environment, and through finding appropriate accommodation in the local community
- to optimize the use of our present landholdings and physical facilities
- to expand our academic and research facilities and infrastructure beyond Hong Kong, particularly in Mainland China
Sustaining a proactive human resource policy and management structure, specifically
- to enhance diversity in international staff recruitment, building on our open and equal-opportunity hiring policy
- to facilitate academic recruitment and retention by agile and adaptive human resource management practices
- to complete the governance and management reform, and to develop seamless link for alignment of strategic goals between the senior management and the Faculties
- to complete the implementation of the Human Resource Management Reform, to develop multiple career tracks for academic staff, to improve the career prospects for nonacademic staff, and to enhance staff benefits, especially those related to housing, healthcare and leave
- to refine human resource systems to recognize performance, strengthen academic mentorship, and create innovative opportunities for professional advancement (including leadership and management training)
- to implement an electronic Enterprise Resource Planning system to integrate human resource and budget resource management
Enhancing the University's operational capacity, specifically
- to institutionalize our strategic academic initiatives through the establishment of platforms for promotion of excellence in education, research and knowledge exchange
- to enhance the University’s operational effectiveness and improve use of resources by progressively reviewing business processes and streamlining or eliminating as appropriate
- to improve budget planning and control at the central and Faculty levels to facilitate support of strategic objectives
- to further develop our information technology and knowledge management infrastructure to advance teaching and learning, research and other academic endeavours of the University
- to introduce a sophisticated Student Information System to support the information and management operations necessitated by the 4-year academic structure and curriculum reform