Centennial Campus

To mark its centenary in 2011 and support its future growth and development, the University is building a major extension immediately to the west of its existing Main Campus. This Centennial Campus will provide over 42,000 m2 of space in three new academic buildings, more recreational facilities and other modern amenities and will be connected to the new MTR West Island Line.
The Centennial Campus represents the University’s vision of a new teaching paradigm and a new learning experience. Its spatial planning and design are tailored to accommodate an increasing number of staff and students and a new curriculum that will offer courses in a broadened and more flexible mode under the 4-year undergraduate education structure. The heart of the new Centennial Campus is the Learning Commons, which will span three floors and provide an area of 6,000 m2 with a variety of study spaces, state-of-the-art infrastructure, electronic resources, student support and catering facilities. The Learning Commons will be a dynamic learning environment conducive to student-centred learning and small group interactions, and aimed at meeting the multiple learning needs of different users.

Apart from accommodating emerging functional needs, the Centennial Campus embodies a conscious intent to build a closer link with the local community and create a University District. Ample space has been designed for public access and use, and much thought has been dedicated to increasing accessibility to the campus and enhancing links with various parts of the neighbourhood.
The Centennial Campus development, with its spirit to respect the environment, cultural heritage and the local community, has incorporated eco-friendly and sustainable features in its design and construction. Stakeholders have been actively involved in dialogues with the University. The Centennial Campus therefore serves as a vital vehicle for instilling the core values of sustainable development, heritage conservation and local community engagement into the culture of the University family.